Sweet water roots -

From under the folding umbrella shade of a tree’s
midday full stop, what reveals itself to bright light
comes dressed in motifs. Of mud.
There are soldiers and mud, insects and mud,
then to the sticky and some to the liquid slip.

Some again to dust, dusting a dusky air for bats 
owning the sonic flight path dart mirror
of daylight’s swallow and swift chasing eights
back and forward across the hatch. 

All pulls to where, under the misty skin
a dark world forms sculptures to lift 
from the shield of earth time. There, 

the precious and protected sit in a soup
of sweet treats and warning signs, while muddy boots 
and watery fields and roots have soaked. Soaking 

through layers of ancestor, mycorrhizal mystery 
networked like the salt marsh millions. Down, 

through these sweet webs, fungal and root tongues
hold drunken or firm. Lush whisperings

in the delicate feathering patterns of water work. 
Sweet growth in a grainy underwater hum and crunch.

A calcium rustle shells the root weave, turning 
soft tunnel stretch-trenches that spread and head 
towards the surface, fruiting spore songs. Gentling 

there above, full leaf music glows. Drifts 
an auburn tumble of greetings reaching towards
forms of phrase and chorus, shooting from below.