8 Prawns


I need 8 prawns from the nets - not hawking
or for hawking as such, as I'll have earned them,
pulling on the ropes. It'll not be scraps, stolen,
fingers chased away by 'That's enough now,
it's 30 of us pull in the catch.' No, when I cook for you,
I will tell of my day, cutting the onion, large and fresh,
stinging real good, because one fat prawn bought it,
(one ring for every years experience in the market.
She unpeeled me for it, hard, but agreed
a coriander handful and a clove of garlic
if I sweep the coconuts from her yard.)
I will cut the top and pour the water; tell you of the nets,
how they pulled so to the arc of the boat; 2 lines,
15 strong, people running, silver weight jumping.
They are excited - to them, fishes are coins; for me,
8 prawns: for this wood at my back; for one fat Tiger:
(costly - too nice for spice and just enough rice.)
One King for his supper and we'll have the wine
she makes from cashew and one sprig of thyme,
and so I pull; pulled in a wave of knowing
how heavy weighs the daily of what you need to do;
easy as sea eagles to tell you when you ask,
'Why three for me, and only two for you?'